Aku dah cakap...kisah jin Siti Balqis ini hanya satu pembohongan...Hari ini terbongkar segala-galanya...
Balqis ke rumah kenalan, bukan ghaib dilarikan jin
Oleh Hanneeyzah Bariah Baharin, Azman Mahmood, Haryanti Ahmad Rodzidan Mohammad Ishak
Norwaniza Ramli
Misteri konon disorokkan di Gunung Jerai terbongkar
KUALA TERENGGANU: Misteri kehilangan Siti Balqis Mohd Nor yang didakwa keluarganya disorok ‘Jin Islam' di Gunung Jerai, Kedah, sejak Ahad lalu, terungkai selepas gadis itu ditemui polis di rumah keluarga seorang kenalannya di Kampung Batu 18, Ulu Klawang, Kuala Klawang, Negeri Sembilan, pagi semalam. Siti Balqis sebenarnya keluar seorang diri dari rumahnya di Kampung Gong Nangka, Jertih dan menaiki bas ekspres ke Shah Alam pada jam 9 malam, sebelum ke Seremban dan meneruskan perjalanan menaiki teksi ke Kuala Klawang. Ketika di situ, Siti Balqis, 22, tinggal di rumah seorang sahabat pena perempuan yang dikenalinya menerusi laman berkenalan sebuah majalah remaja pada 2005, tetapi tidak pernah bertemu sebelum ini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Besut, Superintendan Kamaruddin Mohd Zakaria, berkata Siti Balqis juga sudah membeli tiket untuk pulang ke kampungnya esok.
“Dengan penemuan ini, polis menganggap kes ini selesai dan polis tidak akan mengambil tindakan terhadap mana-mana pihak,” katanya pada sidang media sebelum menyerahkan Siti Balqis kepada ibunya, Norizan Said, 47, di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Besut, di Kampung Raja di sini, semalam. Hadir sama sahabat penanya, Norwaniza Ramli, 19.
Kamaruddin berkata, polis mendapat maklumat mengenai gadis itu apabila bapa sahabat pena Siti Balqis menghubungi polis daerah Jelebu selepas terbaca berita kehilangan misteri gadis itu dalam akhbar ini.
Polis juga mendapat petunjuk gadis itu berada di Negeri Sembilan selepas semakan khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) yang dihantar kepada ibunya pada jam 5 pagi Isnin lalu mendapati pencawang terakhir ialah di Kuala Klawang.
Pada Isnin lalu, Norizan memberitahu menerima SMS daripada anaknya pada jam 5 pagi yang mendakwa berada di Gunung Jerai selepas dibawa jin berbulu lebat.
Sementara itu, Pemangku Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah negeri, Superintendan K Manoharan, berkata laporan Norizan di Balai Polis Jertih pada jam 1.30 pagi Isnin lalu, antara lain menyebut melihat anaknya menaiki kereta Perodua Kembara milik keluarga pada jam 8 malam.
"Berikutan laporan itu, kita menjalankan siasatan kes orang hilang dan meliputi semua aspek termasuk sama ada gadis berkenaan melarikan diri atau dilarikan," katanya sambil menambah kereta itu ditemui di Stesen Bas Jertih pada jam 1 tengah hari Isnin.
Norizan ketika ditemui terkejut dengan penemuan itu kerana sebelum ini anaknya menghantar SMS dan memberitahu berada di Gunung Jerai dan dibawa jin berbulu serta yakin anaknya berada di gunung berkenaan berdasarkan gerak hatinya.
Norwaniza pula berkata, dia selalu berutus surat dan menghubungi Siti Balqis tetapi hanya bertemu selepas kenalannya itu datang sendiri ke rumahnya Isnin lalu.
"Saya tidak menduga pertemuan ini rupanya dengan seorang gadis yang sering dilaporkan ghaib kerana sebelum ini Siti Balqis tidak pernah menceritakan kisahnya,” katanya.
Di KUALA KLAWANG, ibu Nurwaniza berkata gadis itu mengajaknya dan anaknya ke Seremban, Selasa lalu dan menggunakan wang sendiri membeli pelbagai makanan dan pakaian bernilai RM279, termasuk tiket bas untuk pulang ke Terengganu.
Ramlah Meon, 60, berkata beliau pelik melihat Siti Balqis kerap SMS dan apabila ditanya dimaklumkan ia di hantar kepada kawannya.
“Siti Balqis beritahu dia tinggal bersama ibu saudaranya selepas ibunya meninggal dunia dalam kemalangan November tahun lalu. Dia turut beritahu rumahnya besar dan ada tujuh bilik lengkap dengan pembantu rumah dan kolam renang," katanya.
Ramlah berkata, pembohongan Siti Balqis terbongkar apabila anggota polis dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Jelebu datang ke rumahnya, kelmarin, berikutan SMS diterima ibu Siti Balqis menggunakan nombor telefon yang didaftarkan atas nama Nurwaniza.
Beliau berkata, ketika menyelongkar beg pakaian Siti Balqis, mereka menemui lebih 20 kad sim yang masih aktif, sejumlah wang, beberapa kad ATM dan sebuah kotak kecil berisi 10 batu delima dalam kain kuning.
Whatever we do in our lives, good or bad, will affect somebody, like ripples on the water- they expand, they touch something, before they slowly vanish... Ripples come in many ways, from love and spite, hope and despair and joy and pain; shaping who we are, exchanging what we lose for what we gain... Sometimes the ripples which somebody has created in your life continue on, long after the person has gone, not bounded by the twilight, but cherished, kept safe, hidden in the heart...
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Friday, October 29, 2010
Ansari jatuh lagi!
Calun PKR untuk pilihanraya kecil Batu Sapi, Ansari Abdullah, jatuh ke laut untuk kali kedua bila jambatan kayu setinggi 3 meter di Kg Gas tiba-tiba runtuh hari ini.
Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, terselamat apabila beliau sempat masuk ke sebuah rumah di situ sebelum jambatan tersebut runtuh pada pukul 3 petang tadi.
Ansari sedang diangkat dari air oleh pembantu-pembantunya selepas jatuh ke laut di Kg Gas
Pada hari Rabu baru-baru ini, Ansari jatuh dari satu lagi jambatan kayu ketika berkempen di Pulau Batu Api.
Apa agaknya akan terjadi kepada PKR?
Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, terselamat apabila beliau sempat masuk ke sebuah rumah di situ sebelum jambatan tersebut runtuh pada pukul 3 petang tadi.

Pada hari Rabu baru-baru ini, Ansari jatuh dari satu lagi jambatan kayu ketika berkempen di Pulau Batu Api.
Apa agaknya akan terjadi kepada PKR?
Yet another accident: Karak Crash 29 Oct 2010
Another terrible bus accident, the second one this month. What's happening?

Published in the Star: Friday October 29, 2010 MYT 9:24:00 PM
Updated: Friday October 29, 2010 MYT 11:02:25 PM
Karak bus crash: 7 killed, more than 20 injured (Updated)By RASHITHA A. HAMID, STEVEN CHIEW, M. KUMAR AND SHAUN HO
GENTING HIGHLANDS: Seven people were killed and more than 20 injured when the bus they were travelling in crashed at Genting Sempah along the East Coast Expressway.
The 7.51pm accident, just before the Karak tunnel, involved a group of 42 from the 4B Youth Movement, Kampung Siong, Kedah, said Federal Territory Fire and Rescue Department assistant director (operations) Azizan Ismail.
The dead are Muhammad Amirul Mohamad, 13, Muhamad Khairy Muhammad, 16, Mohd Firdaus Rosedi, 16, Mohamad Yussuf Akhif, 16, Mohd Ridzuan Husin, 17 and Mohd Fahmi Mustafa, 17.
Mohd Zaidi Mohd Sufian, 28, died on the way to Selayang Hospital.
“Two people were thrown from the bus,” Azizan told reporters when met at the scene Friday night.
It is learnt that the bus went out of control, hit the divider and toppled.
The driver and co-driver escaped with light injuries.
The group was on the way to Kuala Lumpur from Genting Highlands where they had spent the night.
All the dead were taken to Kuala Lumpur Hospital while the injured were taken to the Bentong, Selayang and Kuala Lumpur hospitals.

Published in the Star: Friday October 29, 2010 MYT 9:24:00 PM
Updated: Friday October 29, 2010 MYT 11:02:25 PM
Karak bus crash: 7 killed, more than 20 injured (Updated)By RASHITHA A. HAMID, STEVEN CHIEW, M. KUMAR AND SHAUN HO
GENTING HIGHLANDS: Seven people were killed and more than 20 injured when the bus they were travelling in crashed at Genting Sempah along the East Coast Expressway.
The 7.51pm accident, just before the Karak tunnel, involved a group of 42 from the 4B Youth Movement, Kampung Siong, Kedah, said Federal Territory Fire and Rescue Department assistant director (operations) Azizan Ismail.
The dead are Muhammad Amirul Mohamad, 13, Muhamad Khairy Muhammad, 16, Mohd Firdaus Rosedi, 16, Mohamad Yussuf Akhif, 16, Mohd Ridzuan Husin, 17 and Mohd Fahmi Mustafa, 17.
Mohd Zaidi Mohd Sufian, 28, died on the way to Selayang Hospital.
“Two people were thrown from the bus,” Azizan told reporters when met at the scene Friday night.
It is learnt that the bus went out of control, hit the divider and toppled.
The driver and co-driver escaped with light injuries.
The group was on the way to Kuala Lumpur from Genting Highlands where they had spent the night.
All the dead were taken to Kuala Lumpur Hospital while the injured were taken to the Bentong, Selayang and Kuala Lumpur hospitals.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Lack of Common Sense
My letter in the New Straits Times
Penang services: Lack of common sense
IF we take a close look at the many issues highlighted by the public, we will see that a majority of them can be avoided or resolved with common sense.
Too often, a lack of common sense gives rise to unnecessary problems or inconvenience to the public. I wish to illustrate this with some examples in Penang.
The new bus terminal in Butterworth, though temporary, is modern, well-organised and clean. It is also free of annoying touts, and I must commend the authorities for this.
However, one can't help but wonder about the illogical flow of buses that leads to congestion, though it is still manageable at the moment.
All buses, which come from one direction from the main road, enter the terminal at the far end. This brings them into a loop and when they leave the terminal at the near end, they meet with the oncoming buses waiting to turn at the other end.
The congestion is made worse by indiscriminate parking of vehicles around the area. Even a layman can tell you that reversing the flow would prevent the chaotic situation. I can't think of any reason why the flow was designed that way.
The bus terminal is connected to the ferry terminal and the train station only through escalators. Near the escalators, there is a sign that says: "Link to ferry and KTMB".
One can only conclude that all tourists are expected to know that KTMB is a train station.
Heavy usage of these escalators causes frequent breakdowns, and when that happens, we can see a large crowd of people from the ferry waiting their turn to get on the escalators.
As the escalators are the only link between the two terminals, repair or maintenance work on them is extremely difficult unless done in the middle of the night, which is not the case.
Ironically, there is an old staircase and escalators just metres away which used to connect to the old bus terminal. This provides an alternative way to the new bus terminal without much cost, but the old staircase and escalators are blocked and left unused for unknown reasons.
When you board the ferry, very often, you will be "greeted" by the sight of crew members standing or sitting on the bench staring at people, especially the women. Sometimes, they continue to sit on the bench even when passengers are looking for a seat. It is embarrassing to see this.
I save my comments on the toilets and the miserable condition on the ferry when it rains.
When you reach the island, it is a long walk to the bus terminal. The winding walkway is very taxing for commuters, what more senior citizens, the handicapped or those with heavy luggage.
The walkway can be shortened significantly if the authorities put a staircase or escalators at a certain point. The distance can be further reduced if it goes straight into the bus terminal instead of going around it.
The waiting area at the island's terminal has a small gate controlled by a worker. When there are too many people waiting for the ferry, the worker will forcibly close the gate against the oncoming crowd. It is a matter of time before a serious accident happens; a better control mechanism is badly needed.
Again, I reserve my comments on things like the silly Jangan membuang sampah /Do not throw rubbish signs, frequent ramp breakdowns and the erratic ferry schedule.
However, I need to mention that there is no notice to inform the public that a ferry fare is not required from the island. From time to time, you can see tourists asking around where to pay the fare, and it doesn't help when the crew members don't speak English.
I have been commuting daily from the mainland to Penang island for more than five years, but not once have I seen the bosses observing the situation, let alone taking a ride on the ferry.
If they were to do that, along with some common sense, a lot of things can be improved and the journey between the mainland and island would be a good, pleasant one, for which the public would be more than willing to pay a higher fare.
Sungai Petani, Kedah
Read more: Penang services: Lack of common sense http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/22ferr/Article/#ixzz13NOZM8yn
Penang services: Lack of common sense
IF we take a close look at the many issues highlighted by the public, we will see that a majority of them can be avoided or resolved with common sense.
Too often, a lack of common sense gives rise to unnecessary problems or inconvenience to the public. I wish to illustrate this with some examples in Penang.
The new bus terminal in Butterworth, though temporary, is modern, well-organised and clean. It is also free of annoying touts, and I must commend the authorities for this.
However, one can't help but wonder about the illogical flow of buses that leads to congestion, though it is still manageable at the moment.
All buses, which come from one direction from the main road, enter the terminal at the far end. This brings them into a loop and when they leave the terminal at the near end, they meet with the oncoming buses waiting to turn at the other end.
The congestion is made worse by indiscriminate parking of vehicles around the area. Even a layman can tell you that reversing the flow would prevent the chaotic situation. I can't think of any reason why the flow was designed that way.
The bus terminal is connected to the ferry terminal and the train station only through escalators. Near the escalators, there is a sign that says: "Link to ferry and KTMB".
One can only conclude that all tourists are expected to know that KTMB is a train station.
Heavy usage of these escalators causes frequent breakdowns, and when that happens, we can see a large crowd of people from the ferry waiting their turn to get on the escalators.
As the escalators are the only link between the two terminals, repair or maintenance work on them is extremely difficult unless done in the middle of the night, which is not the case.
Ironically, there is an old staircase and escalators just metres away which used to connect to the old bus terminal. This provides an alternative way to the new bus terminal without much cost, but the old staircase and escalators are blocked and left unused for unknown reasons.
When you board the ferry, very often, you will be "greeted" by the sight of crew members standing or sitting on the bench staring at people, especially the women. Sometimes, they continue to sit on the bench even when passengers are looking for a seat. It is embarrassing to see this.
I save my comments on the toilets and the miserable condition on the ferry when it rains.
When you reach the island, it is a long walk to the bus terminal. The winding walkway is very taxing for commuters, what more senior citizens, the handicapped or those with heavy luggage.
The walkway can be shortened significantly if the authorities put a staircase or escalators at a certain point. The distance can be further reduced if it goes straight into the bus terminal instead of going around it.
The waiting area at the island's terminal has a small gate controlled by a worker. When there are too many people waiting for the ferry, the worker will forcibly close the gate against the oncoming crowd. It is a matter of time before a serious accident happens; a better control mechanism is badly needed.
Again, I reserve my comments on things like the silly Jangan membuang sampah /Do not throw rubbish signs, frequent ramp breakdowns and the erratic ferry schedule.
However, I need to mention that there is no notice to inform the public that a ferry fare is not required from the island. From time to time, you can see tourists asking around where to pay the fare, and it doesn't help when the crew members don't speak English.
I have been commuting daily from the mainland to Penang island for more than five years, but not once have I seen the bosses observing the situation, let alone taking a ride on the ferry.
If they were to do that, along with some common sense, a lot of things can be improved and the journey between the mainland and island would be a good, pleasant one, for which the public would be more than willing to pay a higher fare.
Sungai Petani, Kedah
Read more: Penang services: Lack of common sense http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/22ferr/Article/#ixzz13NOZM8yn
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Get rid of tough issues the simple way
My letter in The Star
Sunday October 24, 2010
Get rid of tough issues the simple way
MOST public issues can be avoided or resolved with mere common sense. I wish to illustrate this with a few examples in Penang.
The new bus terminal at Butterworth, though temporary, is modern, well organised and clean. It is currently free of annoying touts unlike the old terminal, and for this I must commend the authorities.
However, one cannot help wonder about the illogical movement of the buses. They enter the terminal from the main road at the far end instead of the nearer end. This brings them into a “loop”. And when the buses leave the terminal at the nearer end, they meet with the incoming buses.
The congestion is made worse by indiscriminate parking around the area. Merely reversing the flow would avoid the chaos.
The bus terminal is connected to the ferry terminal and the train station by a set of escalators. Near these, there is a sign that says “Link to ferry and KTMB”. One can only conclude that all tourists are expected to know that KTMB is a train station.
Heavy usage of these escalators causes frequent breakdowns, and as the escalators are the only link between the two terminals, repair or maintenance works are extremely difficult unless done in the middle of the night, which is not the case.
Ironically, there is an old staircase and another set of escalators just metres away that used to connect to the old bus terminal at the adjacent site. Utilising this would easily provide an alternative way to the new bus terminal without much cost, but the old staircase and escalators are blocked and left unused for unknown reasons.
Upon reaching the island, it then becomes a long walk to the bus terminal there. The long, winding walkway is taxing for the daily commuters, senior citizens, the handicapped or those with heavy luggage.
The walkway can actually be shortened significantly if the authorities set up a staircase or escalator at a spot that can cut through the winding pathway. It could be further reduced if this goes straight into the bus terminal, instead of going around it.
The waiting area at the island’s terminal has a small gate that is controlled by a worker. When there are too many people waiting for the ferry, the worker will forcibly close the gate to avoid an overload. It is a matter of time before a serious accident happens; a better control mechanism is needed.
Also, there is no sign to inform the public that no ferry fare is required when leaving the island. From time to time, tourists can be seen asking where to pay the fare, and it doesn’t help that the crew do not speak English.
A lot of things can be improved and the journey between the mainland and the Penang island could be a pleasant one, for which the public would be more than willing to pay a higher fare.
Sungai Petani.
Sunday October 24, 2010
Get rid of tough issues the simple way
MOST public issues can be avoided or resolved with mere common sense. I wish to illustrate this with a few examples in Penang.
The new bus terminal at Butterworth, though temporary, is modern, well organised and clean. It is currently free of annoying touts unlike the old terminal, and for this I must commend the authorities.
However, one cannot help wonder about the illogical movement of the buses. They enter the terminal from the main road at the far end instead of the nearer end. This brings them into a “loop”. And when the buses leave the terminal at the nearer end, they meet with the incoming buses.
The congestion is made worse by indiscriminate parking around the area. Merely reversing the flow would avoid the chaos.
The bus terminal is connected to the ferry terminal and the train station by a set of escalators. Near these, there is a sign that says “Link to ferry and KTMB”. One can only conclude that all tourists are expected to know that KTMB is a train station.
Heavy usage of these escalators causes frequent breakdowns, and as the escalators are the only link between the two terminals, repair or maintenance works are extremely difficult unless done in the middle of the night, which is not the case.
Ironically, there is an old staircase and another set of escalators just metres away that used to connect to the old bus terminal at the adjacent site. Utilising this would easily provide an alternative way to the new bus terminal without much cost, but the old staircase and escalators are blocked and left unused for unknown reasons.
Upon reaching the island, it then becomes a long walk to the bus terminal there. The long, winding walkway is taxing for the daily commuters, senior citizens, the handicapped or those with heavy luggage.
The walkway can actually be shortened significantly if the authorities set up a staircase or escalator at a spot that can cut through the winding pathway. It could be further reduced if this goes straight into the bus terminal, instead of going around it.
The waiting area at the island’s terminal has a small gate that is controlled by a worker. When there are too many people waiting for the ferry, the worker will forcibly close the gate to avoid an overload. It is a matter of time before a serious accident happens; a better control mechanism is needed.
Also, there is no sign to inform the public that no ferry fare is required when leaving the island. From time to time, tourists can be seen asking where to pay the fare, and it doesn’t help that the crew do not speak English.
A lot of things can be improved and the journey between the mainland and the Penang island could be a pleasant one, for which the public would be more than willing to pay a higher fare.
Sungai Petani.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The djinns story: Think before you believe
Harian Metro on Oct 14 reported that the mystery surrounding Siti Balqis Mohd Nor’s frequent disappearances became stranger with claims that seven precious stones fell from the ceiling of her house in Jerteh, Terengganu.
The tabloid said Siti Balqis, 22, and her family were in the living room when they heard something falling from her bedroom at 1pm on Wednesday.
A ruby was then found on Siti Balqis’ bed, followed by several other stones.
It was reported that a ruby even fell from the ceiling in front of a TV3 cameraman, who was having a drink with the Misteri Nusantara film crew in the living room.
Siti Balqis’ mother Norizan Said, 47, said all the precious stones were now being kept in a special case immersed in zam zam water.

Norizan, Siti Balqis' mother, with the stones which allegedly fell from the ceiling.
Siti Balqis had been hogging headlines with claims that she was frequently “kidnapped” by djinns after performing her prayers.
Another local newspaper reported on Oct 15 that there was further attempt by the djinns to take her away through a window, but was foiled by a relative who saw her 'flying' and pulled her legs.
This story actually reminds me of other 'strange' stories before, such as the case of a Lebanese girl Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani. In 1996, her story was in the newspapers all over the world- she had baffled doctors by 'producing' razor-sharp tiny glass crystals from her eyes.
The religious authorities and scientists sought answers to the 'miracle'. The answer came within a few months; it was a fraud and the girl admitted it.
For this Siti Balqis' story, the easiest way to investigate it is to install a CCTV in her house.
Or we simply wait for a few months and see what happens.
The tabloid said Siti Balqis, 22, and her family were in the living room when they heard something falling from her bedroom at 1pm on Wednesday.
A ruby was then found on Siti Balqis’ bed, followed by several other stones.
It was reported that a ruby even fell from the ceiling in front of a TV3 cameraman, who was having a drink with the Misteri Nusantara film crew in the living room.
Siti Balqis’ mother Norizan Said, 47, said all the precious stones were now being kept in a special case immersed in zam zam water.

Norizan, Siti Balqis' mother, with the stones which allegedly fell from the ceiling.
Siti Balqis had been hogging headlines with claims that she was frequently “kidnapped” by djinns after performing her prayers.
Another local newspaper reported on Oct 15 that there was further attempt by the djinns to take her away through a window, but was foiled by a relative who saw her 'flying' and pulled her legs.
This story actually reminds me of other 'strange' stories before, such as the case of a Lebanese girl Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani. In 1996, her story was in the newspapers all over the world- she had baffled doctors by 'producing' razor-sharp tiny glass crystals from her eyes.
The religious authorities and scientists sought answers to the 'miracle'. The answer came within a few months; it was a fraud and the girl admitted it.
For this Siti Balqis' story, the easiest way to investigate it is to install a CCTV in her house.
Or we simply wait for a few months and see what happens.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Midnight Thought
Life is a journey. Sometimes it's a smooth ride. Sometimes you take the wrong turn. Sometimes someone hits you from the back...
Rest if you must, but don't quit.
Rest if you must, but don't quit.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Kisah jin semakin 'hangat'
Semalam, pengamal perubatan Islam yang dilantik Yayasan Islam Terengganu (YIT) merawat gadis ghaib, Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, meminta keluarga itu tidak menggunakan khidmat bomoh lain untuk sementara waktu bagi memastikan proses rawatan dilaksanakan dengan berkesan.
Permintaan itu diutarakan tiga pengamal perubatan berkenaan semalam selepas mereka menangkap 12 lagi jin di rumah gadis itu di Kampung Gong Nangka, Apal, dekat sini, termasuk makhluk dipercayai ditinggalkan bomoh lain yang merawat gangguan misteri terbabit.
Berita hari ini pula menyebut, selepas gagal ‘mengghaibkan’ Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, jin yang dikatakan mengawal gadis terbabit kini beralih mengganggu ketenteraman keluarganya di rumah mereka di Kampung Gong Nangka, dekat sini. Senja kelmarin, seberkas kunci rumah yang disimpan dalam beg tangan ibu Siti Balqis, Norizan Said, 47, dikatakan hilang sebelum ditemui diikat dalam kain berwarna merah di atas meja kecil di rumah itu kira-kira sejam kemudian.
Apa kata anda?
Permintaan itu diutarakan tiga pengamal perubatan berkenaan semalam selepas mereka menangkap 12 lagi jin di rumah gadis itu di Kampung Gong Nangka, Apal, dekat sini, termasuk makhluk dipercayai ditinggalkan bomoh lain yang merawat gangguan misteri terbabit.
Berita hari ini pula menyebut, selepas gagal ‘mengghaibkan’ Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, jin yang dikatakan mengawal gadis terbabit kini beralih mengganggu ketenteraman keluarganya di rumah mereka di Kampung Gong Nangka, dekat sini. Senja kelmarin, seberkas kunci rumah yang disimpan dalam beg tangan ibu Siti Balqis, Norizan Said, 47, dikatakan hilang sebelum ditemui diikat dalam kain berwarna merah di atas meja kecil di rumah itu kira-kira sejam kemudian.
Apa kata anda?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Another Horrific Accident in Malaysia: Rembau Crash Pictures 10 Oct 2010
REMBAU -Twelve people were killed and more than 40 others injured in a crash pile-up involving two buses, a van and three cars at Km223 of the North-South Highway near the Simpang Ampat toll plaza here Sunday. Three others succumbed to their injuries in hospital later Monday.
Police said in the 6.40pm tragedy, a bus heading towards Kuala Lumpur went out of control and flipped over to the southbound side of the highway, according to Bernama.
He said it then was involved in collisions with a van and two cars before slamming into the side of a National Welfare Department bus.
Here are some of the pictures (click on the picture to enlarge):

What say you?
Police said in the 6.40pm tragedy, a bus heading towards Kuala Lumpur went out of control and flipped over to the southbound side of the highway, according to Bernama.
He said it then was involved in collisions with a van and two cars before slamming into the side of a National Welfare Department bus.
Here are some of the pictures (click on the picture to enlarge):

What say you?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lagi kisah jin...
12 lagi jin ditangkap, kali ini disumbat dalam botol. Ini menjadikan 21 jin ditangkap dalam masa 2 hari. Mungkin esok akan ada lagi bomoh-bomoh menangkap lebih banyak jin???
Aku cadangkan keluarga adik Siti Balqis dan pihak-pihak yang berminat memasang CCTV untuk mengetahui bagaimana dia boleh 'ghaib'. Aku pasti bila CCTV dipasang, Siti Balqis tidak akan ghaib lagi :)
Berita Harian 11/10/2010
Tiga bomoh tangkap 12 lagi jin
Oleh Mohammad Ishak
JERTIH: Usaha tiga pengamal perubatan Islam daripada Yayasan Islam Terengganu (YIT) merawat gadis ghaib, Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, malam kelmarin, dikatakan berjaya menangkap 12 lagi jin yang mengganggu gadis berkenaan, selepas dua bomoh yang enggan dikenali sebelum ini mendakwa berjaya menangkap sembilan jin.
Pada awalnya, usaha pasukan perubatan berkenaan dianggotai Pengelola Khidmat Masyarakat YIT, Hassan Yusof; penolongnya, Fauzi Malik dan Pengurus Khidmat Masyarakat, Wan Adi Rahman Wan Abd Rahman untuk merawat Siti Balqis seperti tidak kesampaian berikutan gadis itu didapati ghaib kira-kira setengah jam sebelum ketibaan pasukan perubatan itu ke rumah keluarganya di Kampung Gong Nangka, di sini, kira-kira jam 8 malam.
Ibu gadis berkenaan, Norizan Said, 47, berkata Siti Balqis tiba-tiba ghaib kira-kira jam 7.30 malam ketika mereka berkumpul menunggu ketibaan pasukan perubatan itu di rumah dan usaha mencarinya dilakukan di atas bumbung, dalam siling rumah, almari, rumah kosong, di bawah rumah dan di pokok manggis, tetapi gagal.
Berikutan itu, katanya, orang ramai termasuk pasukan perubatan berkenaan membaca surah Yasin beramai-ramai, sebelum Norizan menerima SMS daripada Siti Balqis jam 11.30 malam berbunyi ‘tolong dah jauh ni’ dan SMS kedua pada jam 12 tengah malam menyatakan ‘Umi cepat datang, kita dok (duduk) Bukit Keluang,’.
Selesai membaca surah Yasin, pasukan perubatan diketuai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jabi, Ramlan Ali bergegas ke Bukit Keluang, kira-kira 15 kilometer dari rumah mangsa, tetapi gagal menemuinya di kawasan pelancongan terkenal itu.
Sebaliknya, Ramlan berkata, mereka terserempak dengan sembilan orang termasuk dua wanita yang kelihatan seperti sedang bertapa dalam gua berkenaan.
Katanya, ketika gerakan mencari Siti Balqis dijalankan, beliau dimaklumkan gadis itu ada di atas pokok rambutan di belakang rumah keluarganya kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi dan pasukan perubatan yang dihantar khas oleh kerajaan negeri itu kembali semula ke rumah untuk menjalankan proses rawatan mengikut kaedah Islam.
Pasukan perubatan itu memulakan usaha rawatan dan mendakwa berjaya mengeluarkan 12 jin yang kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam botol. Siti Balqis hanya sedarkan diri kira-kira jam 5 pagi tadi selepas menerima rawatan berkenaan.
Aku cadangkan keluarga adik Siti Balqis dan pihak-pihak yang berminat memasang CCTV untuk mengetahui bagaimana dia boleh 'ghaib'. Aku pasti bila CCTV dipasang, Siti Balqis tidak akan ghaib lagi :)
Berita Harian 11/10/2010
Tiga bomoh tangkap 12 lagi jin
Oleh Mohammad Ishak
JERTIH: Usaha tiga pengamal perubatan Islam daripada Yayasan Islam Terengganu (YIT) merawat gadis ghaib, Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, malam kelmarin, dikatakan berjaya menangkap 12 lagi jin yang mengganggu gadis berkenaan, selepas dua bomoh yang enggan dikenali sebelum ini mendakwa berjaya menangkap sembilan jin.
Pada awalnya, usaha pasukan perubatan berkenaan dianggotai Pengelola Khidmat Masyarakat YIT, Hassan Yusof; penolongnya, Fauzi Malik dan Pengurus Khidmat Masyarakat, Wan Adi Rahman Wan Abd Rahman untuk merawat Siti Balqis seperti tidak kesampaian berikutan gadis itu didapati ghaib kira-kira setengah jam sebelum ketibaan pasukan perubatan itu ke rumah keluarganya di Kampung Gong Nangka, di sini, kira-kira jam 8 malam.
Ibu gadis berkenaan, Norizan Said, 47, berkata Siti Balqis tiba-tiba ghaib kira-kira jam 7.30 malam ketika mereka berkumpul menunggu ketibaan pasukan perubatan itu di rumah dan usaha mencarinya dilakukan di atas bumbung, dalam siling rumah, almari, rumah kosong, di bawah rumah dan di pokok manggis, tetapi gagal.
Berikutan itu, katanya, orang ramai termasuk pasukan perubatan berkenaan membaca surah Yasin beramai-ramai, sebelum Norizan menerima SMS daripada Siti Balqis jam 11.30 malam berbunyi ‘tolong dah jauh ni’ dan SMS kedua pada jam 12 tengah malam menyatakan ‘Umi cepat datang, kita dok (duduk) Bukit Keluang,’.
Selesai membaca surah Yasin, pasukan perubatan diketuai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jabi, Ramlan Ali bergegas ke Bukit Keluang, kira-kira 15 kilometer dari rumah mangsa, tetapi gagal menemuinya di kawasan pelancongan terkenal itu.
Sebaliknya, Ramlan berkata, mereka terserempak dengan sembilan orang termasuk dua wanita yang kelihatan seperti sedang bertapa dalam gua berkenaan.
Katanya, ketika gerakan mencari Siti Balqis dijalankan, beliau dimaklumkan gadis itu ada di atas pokok rambutan di belakang rumah keluarganya kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi dan pasukan perubatan yang dihantar khas oleh kerajaan negeri itu kembali semula ke rumah untuk menjalankan proses rawatan mengikut kaedah Islam.
Pasukan perubatan itu memulakan usaha rawatan dan mendakwa berjaya mengeluarkan 12 jin yang kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam botol. Siti Balqis hanya sedarkan diri kira-kira jam 5 pagi tadi selepas menerima rawatan berkenaan.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Bila terbaca berita dibawah, aku terdiam dan tertanya sendiri...Begitu mudahkah untuk menangkap, mengurung dan membuang jin? Kenapa masyarakat kita masih taksub dan percaya penipuan-penipuan sebegini? Anda fikirlah sendiri....
Berita Harian 10/10 /2010
Penduduk serbu rumah gadis ghaib rakam gambar jin

ORANG ramai mengambil gambar jin dan makhluk halus didakwa dimasukkan ke dalam tabung khas sebelum dihanyutkan ke laut oleh bomoh, malam tadi.JERTIH: Rumah gadis yang mengalami gangguan misteri yang menyebabkannya sering ghaib di Kampung Gong Nangka, Apal, dekat sini, diserbu ratusan penduduk selepas dua lelaki datang menawarkan diri merawat gadis itu mendakwa berjaya menangkap sembilan makhluk halus malam kelmarin.
Dalam kaedah rawatan tradisional jam 7.30 malam itu, dua lelaki menggunakan kaedah masing-masing bagi merawat Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, yang ghaib ‘dilarikan’ makhluk ketika senja dan dinihari, sejak dua bulan lalu. Dua lelaki itu yang menawarkan khidmat percuma selepas membaca kisah itu di akhbar sejak Selasa lalu, berpecah dua ketika sesi rawatan dengan seorang daripadanya berada di dalam rumah mengerjakan solat dan seorang lagi di luar rumah menggunakan jampi. Kira-kira 15 minit selepas rawatan, seorang lelaki yang berada di luar rumah mendakwa melihat satu lembaga yang didakwanya dapat ditangkap.
Dia mendakwa dapat menangkap sembilan jin atau makhluk halus yang menyebabkan beratus-ratus penduduk menyerbu rumah gadis itu.
Selepas menangkap sembilan makhluk itu, bomoh itu memasukkannya ke dalam bekas khas bertutup bagi mengelak makhluk berkenaan terlepas.
Orang ramai yang menyaksikannya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mengambil gambar dan video, kebanyakannya menggunakan telefon bimbit untuk dijadikan kenangan dan bahan bukti kejayaan bomoh berkenaan.
Usaha Berita Minggu mendapatkan komen dan mengambil gambar dua bomoh itu gagal kerana mereka tidak mahu menonjolkan diri sebaliknya memberitahu makhluk halus yang ditangkap, dihanyutkan ke laut.
Siti Balqis pula mengakui kini berasa lebih tenteram kerana dalam tempoh 48 jam lalu, beliau sudah tidak lagi ghaib.
“Saya harap usaha murni semua pihak yang menghulurkan bantuan akan membuahkan hasil dan membolehkan saya kembali menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa,” katanya.
Hadir sama, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jabi, Ramlan Ali.
Ibunya, Norizan Said, 47, berkata, sejak kisah anaknya disiarkan, 17 bomoh menawarkan diri merawat Siti Balqis secara percuma tetapi kejadian malam tadi adalah kemuncaknya apabila bomoh berkenaan dapat menangkap makhluk yang sebelum ini didakwa menjadi punca anaknya ghaib.
Katanya, sejak kisah anaknya disiarkan media, keluarganya juga berasa lega kerana tidak perlu lagi menanggung perbelanjaan besar untuk mengupah bomoh sama ada berasaskan rawatan Islam atau kaedah tradisional kerana semuanya kini menawarkan khidmat merawat anaknya secara percuma.
Berita Harian 10/10 /2010
Penduduk serbu rumah gadis ghaib rakam gambar jin

ORANG ramai mengambil gambar jin dan makhluk halus didakwa dimasukkan ke dalam tabung khas sebelum dihanyutkan ke laut oleh bomoh, malam tadi.JERTIH: Rumah gadis yang mengalami gangguan misteri yang menyebabkannya sering ghaib di Kampung Gong Nangka, Apal, dekat sini, diserbu ratusan penduduk selepas dua lelaki datang menawarkan diri merawat gadis itu mendakwa berjaya menangkap sembilan makhluk halus malam kelmarin.
Dalam kaedah rawatan tradisional jam 7.30 malam itu, dua lelaki menggunakan kaedah masing-masing bagi merawat Siti Balqis Mohd Nor, 22, yang ghaib ‘dilarikan’ makhluk ketika senja dan dinihari, sejak dua bulan lalu. Dua lelaki itu yang menawarkan khidmat percuma selepas membaca kisah itu di akhbar sejak Selasa lalu, berpecah dua ketika sesi rawatan dengan seorang daripadanya berada di dalam rumah mengerjakan solat dan seorang lagi di luar rumah menggunakan jampi. Kira-kira 15 minit selepas rawatan, seorang lelaki yang berada di luar rumah mendakwa melihat satu lembaga yang didakwanya dapat ditangkap.
Dia mendakwa dapat menangkap sembilan jin atau makhluk halus yang menyebabkan beratus-ratus penduduk menyerbu rumah gadis itu.
Selepas menangkap sembilan makhluk itu, bomoh itu memasukkannya ke dalam bekas khas bertutup bagi mengelak makhluk berkenaan terlepas.
Orang ramai yang menyaksikannya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mengambil gambar dan video, kebanyakannya menggunakan telefon bimbit untuk dijadikan kenangan dan bahan bukti kejayaan bomoh berkenaan.
Usaha Berita Minggu mendapatkan komen dan mengambil gambar dua bomoh itu gagal kerana mereka tidak mahu menonjolkan diri sebaliknya memberitahu makhluk halus yang ditangkap, dihanyutkan ke laut.
Siti Balqis pula mengakui kini berasa lebih tenteram kerana dalam tempoh 48 jam lalu, beliau sudah tidak lagi ghaib.
“Saya harap usaha murni semua pihak yang menghulurkan bantuan akan membuahkan hasil dan membolehkan saya kembali menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa,” katanya.
Hadir sama, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jabi, Ramlan Ali.
Ibunya, Norizan Said, 47, berkata, sejak kisah anaknya disiarkan, 17 bomoh menawarkan diri merawat Siti Balqis secara percuma tetapi kejadian malam tadi adalah kemuncaknya apabila bomoh berkenaan dapat menangkap makhluk yang sebelum ini didakwa menjadi punca anaknya ghaib.
Katanya, sejak kisah anaknya disiarkan media, keluarganya juga berasa lega kerana tidak perlu lagi menanggung perbelanjaan besar untuk mengupah bomoh sama ada berasaskan rawatan Islam atau kaedah tradisional kerana semuanya kini menawarkan khidmat merawat anaknya secara percuma.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Transferring ‘sex-drugs’ teacher is not a deterrent
The Star
Friday October 8, 2010
Transferring ‘sex-drugs’ teacher is not a deterrent
I AM astounded by your report “Sex-drugs teacher who sold stimulants transferred to another school” (The Star, Oct 7).
Johor Education Department director Sufaat Tumin said the disciplinary teacher was transferred to another secondary school and “further action against the teacher depends on the severity of the offence”.
I find it hard to believe that the teacher was only transferred and not suspended for his alleged misconduct. Such practice also has been true with other government servants implicated in other wrongdoings.
If the Government is serious about improving the performance and conduct of public servants, punitive action must be taken instead of just transferring them to other locations.
They should at least be suspended until an inquiry is completed, and should be dismissed if they are found guilty.
A transfer, either before or after the inquiry, is not a deterrent and does not reflect the government’s seriousness in geting rid of the bad apples.
Sungai Petani.
Friday October 8, 2010
Transferring ‘sex-drugs’ teacher is not a deterrent
I AM astounded by your report “Sex-drugs teacher who sold stimulants transferred to another school” (The Star, Oct 7).
Johor Education Department director Sufaat Tumin said the disciplinary teacher was transferred to another secondary school and “further action against the teacher depends on the severity of the offence”.
I find it hard to believe that the teacher was only transferred and not suspended for his alleged misconduct. Such practice also has been true with other government servants implicated in other wrongdoings.
If the Government is serious about improving the performance and conduct of public servants, punitive action must be taken instead of just transferring them to other locations.
They should at least be suspended until an inquiry is completed, and should be dismissed if they are found guilty.
A transfer, either before or after the inquiry, is not a deterrent and does not reflect the government’s seriousness in geting rid of the bad apples.
Sungai Petani.
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